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I have Redhat Linux Server in my computer, I want to use ISO as a local repository so that I will be able to install and update applications locally, what should I do?

You can easily create your local yum repository and use yum install command to install new applications, just follow these steps:
1. Open terminal as root, ie su root
2. Copy or Move your files from installation DVD or Copy/Move and extract your ISO image to the location where you want to keep your repository, example /rhelrepo. example if your iso is called rhel6.iso copy/move it from where it is to where you want to keep it i.e.
#rm /home/James/Desktop/rhel6.iso /mnt
3. Then extract the image to new directory called rhel6
4. By using terminal, move to the new directory you created and go to /Packages
5. Install the package createrepo by running #yum install createrepo but before that wait.... Install dependencies required to install createrepo package first, these dependencies are python-deltarpm and deltarpm you can install them using command #yum install
6. After installing those dependencies, you can then run the command yum install createrepo to install the package createrepo.rpm
7. After the successful installation of createrepo package, run the command, #createrepo /mnt/rhel6 replace /mnt/rhel6 with your repository location then the local rpm packages will start to be added to repository, then you are done.

You will start enjoying your new local rpm repository.


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I have a computer with 4gb of RAM, but today after restarting it, It became very slow, after checkig the memory at the system properties, I found that, it says Installed Memory is 4GB but usable memory is only 256MB, what should I do.


To solve this in windows seven or server 2008 do the following:

1. Go to RUN or press (Windows Key + R),
2. Type msconfig
3. Click boot tab
4. The booting O.S will be selected, then click Advanced Options

In the BOOT Advanced Options dialog, uncheck Maximum Memory check box to use all memory, all set the Maximum amount of memory you want to use.

Hit OK, then hit Apply and OK, then Restart your Computer, you will be able to use the amount of memory you specified.


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I installed RHEL 6 on my computer on the last drive with Windows Seven.
In RHEL 6 my drive has not been opened, it shows unable to mount NTFS file.
So what can I do to resolve that?

To solve this problem, I added the repository rpmforge and Downloaded the package 'ntfs-3g',

1. Open the terminal as a root user (su root), then run the following command:
rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
yum install ntfs-3g

Then the problem unable to open ntfs file will be a history

Increase Swap Space in Linux

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Increase Swap Space in Linux
Qn: I am Installing Oracle in my computer with Linux, but I cant continue because my swap space is quiet small. What should I do to increase it?

In Linux, as in most other Unix-like operating systems, it is common to use a whole partition of a hard disk for swapping. However, with the 2.6 Linux kernel, swap files are just as fast as swap partitions, although I recommends using a swap partition. The administrative flexibility of swap files outweighs that of partitions; since modern high capacity hard drives can remap physical sectors, no partition is guaranteed to be contiguous. You can add swap file as a dedicated partition or use following instructions to create a swap file.

Procedure To Add a Swap File Under Linux

You need to use the dd command to create swap file. The mkswap command is used to set up a Linux swap area on a device or in a file.

Step #1: Login as the Root User

Open a terminal window (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal) or login to remote server using the ssh client. Switch to the root user by typing su - and entering the root password, when prompted

Step #2: Create Storage File

Type the following command to create 512MB swap file (1024 * 512MB = 524288 block size):

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=524288

Step #3: Set Up a Linux Swap Area

Type the following command to set up a Linux swap area in a file:

# mkswap /swapfile1

Setup correct file permission for security reasons, enter:

# chown root:root /swapfile1
# chmod 0600 /swapfile1

A world-readable swap file is a huge local vulnerability. The above command make sure only root user can read/write to the file. Finally, activate /swapfile1 swap space immediately, enter:

# swapon /swapfile1

To activate /swapfile1 after Linux system reboot, add entry to /etc/fstab file. Open this file using a text editor such as gedit or vi:

# sudo gedit /etc/fstab

Append the following line:

/swapfile1 swap swap defaults 0 0

Save and close the file. Next time Linux comes up after reboot, it enables the new swap file for you automatically.

How do I Verify Swap is Activated or Not?

Simply use the free command:
$ free -m

Introducing Android 4.1 Jelly Bean

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Recently Google confirmed that Android Jelly Bean is indeed on its way, adding new features and debuting alongside the new Nexus 7 tablet. The new OS version is set to arrive first with the Nexus 7, and will start to show up as an update on older handsets this July. So what exactly is different this time around?

One of the biggest changes is “Project Butter”, a new processing framework that is supposed to provide a smoother and more responsive experience out of Android. When a user touches on the screen, the new framework will make predictions such as where the user will tap next, pre-loading the action, which will save time and result in a seemingly faster experience. Jellybean also will deliver extra CPUS power when the screen is active, and tune it down when it is not- which should see an improvement in battery life.

Other features include an improved notification system, moving notifications away from an icon with a few lines of text, now allowing full-expanding notifications and removing the need to pen the application just to read a text or email. You can also respond to notifications without leaving the home screen.

Probably one of the most compelling changes though is Google Now. Think of it as Siri for Android, this new Voice Search application is both a search tool and a personal assistant that can answer common questions. Even more interestingly, is that Google Now will actually research and learn basic questions before you actually ask them, so it can respond to you much quicker. What do I mean by that? When you wake up, it will already have gathered information about what the weather is like, or if you are driving somewhere that it ‘knows’ has traffic congestion problems, it will alert you ahead of time.

While Jellybean (4.1) might not be as big of a jump as from 2.x to 4.0, or from 3.x to 4.0, it is still a worthy upgrade that has plenty of interesting features to add. Not only does it add better notifications, accessibility options, and Google Now, it also is much more optimized than Ice Cream Sandwich, which results in a much faster overall experience.