I have Redhat Linux Server in my computer, I want to use ISO as a local repository so that I will be able to install and update applications locally, what should I do?
You can easily create your local yum repository and use yum install command to install new applications, just follow these steps:
1. Open terminal as root, ie su root
2. Copy or Move your files from installation DVD or Copy/Move and extract your ISO image to the location where you want to keep your repository, example /rhelrepo. example if your iso is called rhel6.iso copy/move it from where it is to where you want to keep it i.e.
#rm /home/James/Desktop/rhel6.iso /mnt
3. Then extract the image to new directory called rhel6
4. By using terminal, move to the new directory you created and go to /Packages
5. Install the package createrepo by running #yum install createrepo but before that wait.... Install dependencies required to install createrepo package first, these dependencies are python-deltarpm and deltarpm you can install them using command #yum install
6. After installing those dependencies, you can then run the command yum install createrepo to install the package createrepo.rpm
7. After the successful installation of createrepo package, run the command, #createrepo /mnt/rhel6 replace /mnt/rhel6 with your repository location then the local rpm packages will start to be added to repository, then you are done.
You will start enjoying your new local rpm repository.